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We provide solution focused training for new and seasoned managers in need of a professional edge.

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A Developmental Partnership

Aptitude Management is a corporate training provider who services clients throughout Australia. Offering a full suite of workshops designed for managers, our programs are guaranteed to promote the developmental growth of each attendee. There are several options to get you started.

startup, meeting, brainstorming

Company Mission

Our Mission is to deliver premium quality training through highly skilled facilitators to mid-level leaders. We also ensure that all course knowledge and insights are retained by participants and successfully applied within the workplace.

To achieve this, we utilise our specific Program Framework consisting of a booking consultation, trainer led skills gap analysis, tailored participant training plans and post workshop coaching.

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Company Values

At Aptitude Management our training philosophy is based around three core values:
▪ Retention: the retention and internalising of course materials.
▪ Reinforcement: the application of learned concepts to real life scenarios.
▪ Reinvigoration: personal empowerment to enhance one’s desire for ongoing future growth and development.

Point of Difference

By focusing our resources on mid-level managers, Aptitude trainers have direct experience and in-depth knowledge of the challenges experienced by this type of leader. As a result, our workshops are structured to significantly help attendees to enhance their managerial ability.

See our full suite of management courses or feel free to contact us on 1800 753 087

Our Trainers

Experienced and Qualified

Our team comprises a wide range of in-house and associate trainers from various locations and professional backgrounds. All trainers representing Aptitude Management have the required qualifications, knowledge and skills appropriate for our clients' needs.

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Discover how we can help you on your managerial journey.